The Twitter Series
Roger is not only a new breed of intelligent ape, he’s also the subject of the WORLD’S FIRST TWITTER SERIES. On May 16, 2011, @RealCoryEdwards launched a series of “Twittersodes” that told Roger’s origin story. It’s the first time a narrative story has originated on Twitter, and been told solely on the medium.
“It’s also the only social media that can hold my attention,” said Roger. “So it’s perfect for my story. It’s really an epic, but told in chapters of 140 characters or less.”
Is there a sequel in the works? Yes, says creator Cory Edwards and Roger himself. “I’ve had tons of adventures out in space, and now my adventures on Earth have only just begun,” says the talkative monkey. “I’m an ongoing sequel myself! So yeah, expect another Twitter Series about me. In fact, expect a LOT about me. It’s what the world needs most, in my humble opinion.”
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